It's Time To 意图ssess Your Business | Turn Lemons Into Lemonade | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件



本文是意图的一部分 & 同事的 小型企业角 系列, which is designed to address challenges and considerations regularly faced by owners of small- to mid-sized 企业. 查看过去 小型企业角 文章在

随着经济状况的改变,企业开始重新开业, we encourage business leaders to take this time to reassess their existing business strategies and 的关系. 这并不意味着你要放弃你的整个计划,重新制定一个新的计划, 而, 重点关注所有中小企业的几个关键因素, 特别是, 应该考虑.

行业 are feeling the weight of the world right now and some are feeling it more than others. 从历史上看,没有什么能与COVID-19的需求冲击相提并论. 商业贷款, 刺激检查, 失业人数破纪录, and a public health crisis are among the many things the nation is facing. But as we 工作 towards “normalcy” – which has no timeline – preparing for the unexpected is more important than ever before. 重新评估你的供应链,咨询关系和你的


中国、欧洲和美国.S. have had major setbacks in terms of international trading as COVID-19 appeared to take aim at key supply chain regions. 现在企业正在寻求提高产量, it’s possible that the supply chain 你 had in place before the pandemic is no longer readily available, 或者它已经变得成本过高.

不管你喜不喜欢, it’s never been more important for the long-term continuity of 你r business to reconsider 你r company’s supply chains to ensure that they are 工作ing for 你 and not against 你. Start by taking a closer look at 你r business and how susceptible 你 might be to economic hiccups and their impact on 你r supply chain. Then, consider whether 你 are paying too great a cost for a not so great relationship. 如果这两种情况都让你暂停, perhaps COVID-19 can be seen as an opportunity to address these issues and strengthen 你r position in the marketplace, 增加公司价值, 并确保持续的业务连续性.

It’s never been more important for the long-term continuity of 你r business to reconsider 你r company’s supply chains to ensure that they are 工作ing for 你 and not against 你.


The current state of the world has dusted off the many business strategies and best practices we may have shelved over the years. 2019冠状病毒病凸显了咨询关系的重要性, 尤其是你和银行的关系. 随着疫情的蔓延,资金和资源的争夺开始, guidance for business owners (particularly in the beginning stages of the crisis) was scarce. 不仅因为这是一个未知的领域, but ever-changing legislation and countless approaches across branches and regions caused some banks and 银行家s to be more equipped than others. 正因为如此, if 你 already had a relationship with a 银行家 who simply had a greater understanding the loan programs and what 他们的客户s needed to apply for assistance, 在获得资金方面,你可能会有更大的优势. 2019冠状病毒病后情况将继续如此. The truth is that 你 do need to secure and nurture strong advisory 的关系 now because 你 never know when the merits of such a relationship will reveal themselves.

另外, seeking out a 银行家 who understands the challenges 你 face in 你r marketplace and within 你r industry is just as important. It’s also important for 你r advisors to be well-connected so they can refer 你 to others who can assist 你 in other aspects of 你r business.

银行家的工作是通过两种方式进行销售. 第一个, they have to sell externally and make sure that they can provide the right products and services to 你, 他们的客户. 但他们的大部分工作是建立自己的内部网络. In doing so, they are better able to navigate 他们的客户s through those organizational layers. This is the time to reconsider these basic fundamentals with regard to 你r banking relationship (and all other advisory 的关系) because they matter now more than ever.

听...... 集207, “如何出售你的企业为顶级美元,” on unsuitable on 意图 Radio,意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件屡获殊荣的每周商业咨询播客.


COVID-19 has possibly exposed some inherent weaknesses in 你r business that may have existed pre-pandemic – effectively impacting 你r long- and short-term strategy. 结果是, 你, 和其他许多人一样, may have had to put 你r succession plans on hold in an effort to develop new strategies that will not only ensure that 你 will weather this storm, 但是你可以保持你的组织的价值, 保存你的遗产, 然后按你的条件退休.

How do 你 really become strategic and hone in on those weaknesses and what actions are necessary to preserve the long-term viability of the company? Start by asking what 你 can do to maximize the value of 你r business and communicate these thoughts with 你r advisors, 银行家, 以及法律团队. Let these informed discussions reveal opportunities 而 than losses.

And for those who are not only surviving but thriving during this time, consider looking at this time as an opportunity for growth and expansion of 你r products or services, 或贵公司作为一个整体&一个活动. Or, 也许, 如果你想把你的事业留给下一代, current favorable tax rates could be the jumpstart 你’ve been looking for to get the ball rolling. There has never been a better time to put “succession planning” at the top of 你r agenda.

每个人都在艰难的日子里继续前行, it’s also important to consider that things may never return to “normal.“这场大流行永久性地改变了我们的生活方式, 工作, and play and these changes will continue to impact 你r long-term financial goals. 但是,我们不必坐在那里什么都不做. 而不是, we can take this time to utilize the wealth of resources that are available to make informed decisions.

确保供应链的连续性, 努力建立更牢固的咨询关系, and recognizing opportunities for growth can have a positive impact on 你r business and will help 你 grow as a leader. 是的, COVID-19已经吞噬了我们的生活, 企业, 的关系, 未来的计划, but it’s also provided us with a chance to step back and reassess vital business considerations. If 你r advisors aren’t discussing these best practices with 你, give us a call.

By 道格豪斯,注册会计师,工商管理硕士,CEPA,主要 & 建筑和房地产服务总监(都柏林办事处)

这篇文章发表在 《比较靠谱的赌博软件》2020年夏季版,意图 & 员工的季度印刷通讯.